POST api/Customer/CreateOrUpdateCP?country={country}
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
country | Countries |
Required |
Body Parameters
CPName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Code | string |
None. |
DocEntry | string |
None. |
Cancelled | character |
None. |
U_CardCode | string |
None. |
U_NextShipDate | string |
None. |
U_CreationDate | string |
None. |
U_ModifiedDate | string |
None. |
U_ModifiedBy | string |
None. |
U_ShipToCode | string |
None. |
U_ShippingMethod | string |
None. |
U_ShipToName | string |
None. |
U_Status | string |
None. |
U_ShipToPhone | string |
None. |
U_PaymentToken | string |
None. |
U_PaymentMaskedNumber | string |
None. |
U_PaymentCountry | string |
None. |
U_PaymentCurrency | string |
None. |
U_PaymentNameOnCard | string |
None. |
U_PaymentExpMonth | integer |
None. |
U_PaymentExpYear | integer |
None. |
U_Message | string |
None. |
U_Source | string |
None. |
ShippingTotal | decimal number |
None. |
ShippingTax | decimal number |
None. |
TaxTotal | decimal number |
None. |
U_Active | integer |
None. |
UNV_CPLINES | Collection of CPLine |
None. |
CPDiscounts | Collection of CPDiscount |
None. |
CPAddresses | Collection of Address |
None. |
CPOrderType | CPOrderType |
None. |
U_MCPID | string |
None. |
U_Period | string |
None. |
U_Frequency | string |
None. |
magentoCPPlanID | string |
None. |
magentoCPFrequencyID | string |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json, application/xml, text/xml, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
IPostXMLResultName | Description | Type | Additional information |
PostResult | RequestResult |
None. |
Message | string |
None. |
Status | string |
None. |
Identifier | string |
None. |
Timestamp | date |
None. |
EntityObject | Object |
None. |
DocNum | integer |
None. |
CardCode | string |
None. |
IsCreatedInUS | integer |
None. |
IsCreatedInCA | integer |
None. |
IsUpdatedInUS | integer |
None. |
IsUpdatedInCA | integer |
None. |
AddressName | string |
None. |
USAccountToken | string |
None. |
CAAccountToken | string |
None. |
AcountPaymentToken | string |
None. |
CPTotal | decimal number |
None. |
ShippingCharge | decimal number |
None. |
ShippingTax | decimal number |
None. |
Tax | decimal number |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json, application/xml, text/xml
Sample not available.